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CV From Facts' Pool to Marketing Tool

Standing Out From The Crowd

Daily, A huge number of job ads is being published on different platforms whether online or offline; employers seek talented employees who are able to move their organizations forward, while the job seekers look to employers who satisfy their career needs.

Long-time ago, employers knew the power of their Brands in their targeted employees' minds and how it greatly affects acquiring the desired staff; but on the other hand, not all of the job seekers realize that this concept is a two-ways direction; you - as a job seeker - should deal with your potential employer with the same concept.
It's all about the image you want to draw in your targeted employer's mind about yourself, how do you want them to think about when your profile got seen by them? It's not only about what to say, but how to say it as well.

This is what we call "Branding", how to stand out of the crowd? how to sell your strengths in the right way? how to convert your career profile from facts' pool and deal with it as a marketing tool?

This is what I'm going to share with you in this article, I will show you 20 Tips that will change your mind about your CV, it will make you think differently about yourself.

The Most Important 20 CV Tips

1- Purpose: The objective of your CV is to land an interview, so know the purpose of your CV.

2- Keywords: You will be out even before the game starts if your CV doesn’t have the keywords related to the job you are applying for.

3- Short Paragraphs: No employer will have the time to read long paragraphs of text.

4- Important & Specialized Information: Put the most important information first and make sure your CV is not generic.

5- Job Relevant Information First: When describing your experiences or skills, list the most important ones that relate to the job you are applying for first.

6- Tangible Evidence: You will greatly improve your chances if you manage to explain how it will benefit his company, and to connect it to tangible results.

7- Realizing Your Employer's Market: Identity what kind of difficulties they might be going through and try to understand the market of the company you are applying for a job.

8- ONLY Related Work Experience: You don’t need to list all your work experiences in your CV, just the most relevant.

9- Show Up What Distinguish You: Sell your fish, as long as you don’t go over the edge and remember that you are trying to sell yourself.

10- Less is More: One or two pages is enough the shorter your resume the better.

11- Central Focus: Your CV must have a clear focus and no scattered information.

12- Talk a Clear Professional Language: Do not assume that the employer will know what you are talking about. Slang should never be present in a CV and as for technical jargon also.

13- Authentic & Unique Achievements: Your accomplishments should be unique to you, avoid using the generic descriptions of the jobs you originally applied.

14- References: The best references to use are a manager or superior to you in your work, or perhaps a college professor whose class you did well in.

15- No Ready-Made Statements: Don't include a copy-paste Profile Statement at the top of your resume. Keep it different, simple, and consistent.

16- CV Format & Design: Use a basic but modern font like Helvetica, Arial, or Century Gothic; don’t include photos or other distracting visuals.

17- Content's Spell & Grammar Check: Don’t rely on spell check and grammar checks alone; ask family or friends to take a look at it for you.

18- CV File Type: Make sure to always send a PDF rather than a .doc if emailing your CV.

19- Extracurricular Achievements: Don't undervalue achievements outside of your main career path.

20- Be Related to Your Industry: Try to use industry-related terms. The more keywords that you match, the better your chances will be.

These are the most important tips each one should consider when writing his CV regardless of the industry, he is actually working in or even if moving to a new career.

Now, you can apply these 20 tips to your CV, and you will feel that you re-discover yourself, your uniqueness, and your "Stand Out From The Crowd" Profile...

Share your thoughts with me, I love to be kept in touch with you.

Article Link on my LinkedIn Profile:

#ImpactPassion #تفانين_ابو_المحاسين #HR #CVWriting


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